Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Feisty, Frugal and Fabulous has some great giveaways.  Take some time to enter the following:

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Organized Chaos Has Giveaways!

I know how much we all like free stuff.  At My Organized Chaos, there are a few giveaways that just might spark your interest! Here they are:

Want a cool new lunch kit?  This is exactly what I need when I go to work!  Check it out!

We all love our house to smell yummy.  How about some glade fresh spray?  Click to enter

Eleven shoes are simply adorable.  Enter for your chance to win a pair.

These shower heads are to die for!  Enter for your chance to win one for your home.

Living on the prairies often means dry and damaged skin.  Need some skin MD?  Click here for your chance to win.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Want a new shower head that doesn't feel like tiny raindrops trickling down your back?  Click here for your chance to win an evolve shower head!

Pedoodles are such cute and wonderful shoes.  My daughter wore a pair last summer and constantly had people commenting on them.  Do you think you'd like a chance to win a pair?  Click here